Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happyhobo's guide to the world: China

Set to become the next world superpower, China was formed when a giant chicken got squashed by god's almighty fist. China domination of the world is becoming more and more evident as Chinese restaurants are sprouting up everywhere- the military strategy for world domination is simple; feed the world lots of Chinese food, get everyone fat; therefore easier to shoot!

Instead of condoms, China has a one child policy which means if your child is "retarded or really short", you may have another "retarded or really short child" of equal value. However, you may not have 2 children of average quality. All these rules are made by China's communist government; Communist China means that even while taking a sh*t, it better look like Mao Ze Dong or else your branded a traitor to the motherland!!!

Pirates of the Caribbean look like pansies when compared to Chinese pirates. In China, everything has been pirated including your genitals. That means somewhere on an Asian market, there is a replica of your genitals-exact copy with all the warts and stranded pubes, and there is an Asian lady yelling CHEAP CHEAP next to it.

All famous landmarks, people, places are named in a very simple and efficient manner. One just drops the ring of keys and a name is generated. National past times of China include doing math, farming gold on online video games, doing kung fu and catching flies with chopsticks(not a urban myth).

If you read this sentence and everything above is blank, it means the communist government has censored this article and your a fag. Next time in happy hobo’s guide to the world -Egypt!