Thursday, August 6, 2009

Quality healthcare

Caption: PORN!!!
Well the world's not going to end. The article was a year old. How'd it end up on current news? blame it on google.

Anyways onto more recent news-today i had to go see the doctor about my brain(i told you I'm crazy) . I walk into the doctors office and he asks me "how am i doing". Well excuse the obvious but if i was well, i wouldn't be here. I mutter a polite good and the normal pleasantries are exchanged. The good doctor then takes out my file and explains to me something in my brain is whacked. However he uses complex scientific terms like maribus petulla and something about a Pilate?(is he asking me to dress in tights and stretch?). I look at him , a drop of saliva hanging by my mouth. He realises his 160+ IQ does not match my 41- IQ so he explains that i need to get a CRT scan done.(Basically microwaving your head). I nod enthusiastically as the last time i had something checked out by a specialist, it was a really really pleasant.


By pleasant i mean i had to go see a nurse for my health checkup, i enter a room to find a HOT nurse standing there. This hot is the equivalent to a porn star hot for those of you who have watched nurse porn.. Well the checkup is going nicely till she gets out those latex gloves and does the customary pull thingie to make sure its on tight. I say "no no no way" but she says relax and pulls my pants to feel my nether regions. Nothing happened OK? I was disappointed but this is a real story and not a dream!

Back to present times. So i go to the lab for my CRT scan to be greeted by another nurse. She was petite and when she saw me she was looking sideways. i thought awww how cute, she is shy and avoiding eye contact. She told me i needed to have a needle injection. So she preps me up. that's when i realised, she wasn't shy! She was cockeyed. When she looked at me she looked to the side, she was actually looking at me! CONFUSING? and now she's going to stick a needle into me. Poor aiming don't apply as she stufffed up and blood started spurting out. Well fast forward and I'm still alive albeit for a massive bruise from where i took the needle and bruised ego from trying to make eye contact.

Malpractice lawsuit anyone?