Sunday, August 23, 2009

A crappy story

I'm about to tell you a crap story-not in the sense that's it is boring but literally a story about crap. My crap to be exact. If poop makes you uncomfortable, please stop reading.

It all began 3 months ago on a cold cold morning. Waking up to the early 7 o'clock sunshine, me and my friend went to eat breakfast at our cafeteria. The inviting smell of scrambled eggs,sausages and toasting waffles met our noses as we entered the cafeteria. Being a carnivore, i chose lots of scrambled eggs mixed with Tabasco sauce, a glass of cold chocolate milk and 5 slices of bacon. A high protein meal fit of a heart attack. After the meal, i watched as the oil oozed around my plate. "Drink it" dared my sub-intelligent friend. Being the early morning, my judgement was impaired and i fell into the stupid dare a retard had set. Laughing we headed off to class.

Nothing spectacular happened during morning classes as the biology teacher literate on and on about some boring hormone or gene. Music class was fine too. It was not until i entered my theatre class did i realise something was not right. We were assigned to watching a Shakespeare play. Experiencing difficulty at understanding normal English, Shakespeare fagot talk gave me a headache. Now a stomach ache was rising but i chose to ignore it as it was my last class for the day. When class finished, i began to make my way back to the dorms in preparation for lunch.
After walking a few strides, i felt the primeval man kinds desire to "visit brown dragon" or "drop the foster kids off at school". Seeing how public toilets can give you aids, i chose to ignore it and do my business in the comfort of my own toilet. that i tell you now is the worst decision i have made in my life so far. Halfway towards the dorm, i realised this was not the classical hard formed poop pooped normally by healthy individuals, but its mutated cousin. The mixture of cold milk, bacon and raw oil did not mix well, too bad i attended biology class instead of chemistry....

AS i walked, i felt my bum muscles giving away. My brain issued a level 5(the highest) emergency to my ass cheeks but the battle was lost. At precisely 2300 hours, the invasion was won by the enemy and my poop made its presence known to the world. BOOM! it exploded breaking through my last lines of defence. Immediately, the cold day became hot around my bum area. However being the cold day it was, it froze. By now i was 3 quarters of the way to my destination. I became paranoid as people walked past me. I thought-"is juice leaking out?""can people see Ive pooped in my pants?""ahhh no more stomach ache" Luckily, it was exam time and everybody was too focused to notice brown juice leaking down my pants. I met a couple of friends just before i got into my bathroom. As you can probably guess, i told them i needed to crap and would catch up with them later. Little did they know, the deed was already done.
Well the rest gets boring, i just shower a lot and throw away all my clothes. The shower smelt like poop and i felt sorry for the cleaner but hey don't blame me-blame Shakespeare-his plays will bore you till you poop.

Well reader, now you know a crappy story about me. Hope you enjoy your food after reading this. :d