Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy hobo's guide to the World- Afghanistan

Egypt is a beautiful Originally the world tour was meant to stop at Egypt but Egypt is full of sand, mummies and camel lovers(sexually?) so none of you would be interested in that right? Instead we skipped to a much more interesting country-Afghanistan!

Bombed back to the Middle Ages by America during World War 5. Afghanistan is home to that guy that wears Man Bikinis. What was his name? Borat that’s it! Very nice high just read that in his voice. There is a war going on now so fashion in Afghanistan has changed over the years. Bullet proof vests act as formal casual wear while strapped on bombs are perfect for your birthday party!

There are no forms of communication in Afghanistan as the last phone tower just got deleted by a Air to Ground missile therefore Afghans rely on magic carpets to visit one another. Afghans also invented the 55 dollar hookah. Unfortunately there are no women on earth that would have sex with YOU for 55 dollars so they invented this tube to smoke shit out of with the same name so you can feel better about yourself.

Afghans look like a product of a ethnic gangbang. Asian, Russian,Indian and Martian bloodlines seem to have mixed with Afghan bloodline resulting in what all humans will probably look like in the future. On the subject of sexuality, since there is a surplus of weapons around, missle heads and rpgs are regularly used as sex toys.

There is a way to see Afghanistan for free! Air ticket, lodging and board all provided for! Join the ARMY!*

*terms and conditions apply, may lose limbs or life, no raincheck.

Next time on Happyhobo's guide to the world- Russia!