Friday, October 16, 2009

How to Kill flies with Mushrooms

Here at Happyhobo's blog, we pride in being a educational blog too. So today readers, i will teach you a way to kill flies with mushrooms! Killing flies by swatting may be fun (if your a psycho or my grandma) but it can be time consuming and leave dirty entrails all over the place. Here is a way to kill flies effortlessly.

Things You'll Need:
Amanita muscaria and milk.

Step 1
Find a special type of mushroom called Amanita muscaria. Don't know what it is? Ask your local drug dealer or child and they can probably tell you. Amanita muscaria is a mushroom that gives you hallucinogen reactions if consumed(DRUGS ARE BAD),it is also the mushrooms that smurfs live in on TV.
Step 2
You can find these mushrooms growing nearly anywhere fungi can survive. Wood areas and damp tall grass are good places to find them!
Step 3
Grab a mushroom and cut it up into pieces. The smaller the better. Best if in sprinkle size.
Step 4
Sprinkle into milk or any liquid that attracts flies(your poop will also suffice).
Step 5
Watch flies commit suicide and DUI!
Step 6
Sweep up dead bodies.
Wash the knife unless you want to start seeing smurfs in real life! Obviously don't drink the milk unless (see above warning). If you are a child reading this drugs are bad mmmkay?

This WORKS! What is does is once the fly consumes the mushroom; it enters delirium and starts flying all over the place. They will fly into walls or windows knocking themselves out. They can also "pass out". Funny but true. I wonder what flies hallucinate.......