Thursday, May 7, 2009

Burn my eyes

In the span of 20 hours when i last blogged about going to the gym, my nipples have tingled so much i might need to see the doctor. So here i am in the locker-room changing into my gym cloths and guess what? a old guy approachs me, probably in his 40's. He was stark naked (not sure if he was human-it really was just a pile of lumpy skin). He puts his right foot on the changing bench and made sure his "little friend" was known. What made it worse was this guy decided it is a nice time to start talking about the weather with me. yep, its looks like its going to be a overcast day with a chance of vomit. To top it all off, he farted. That is the cherry to the icing, the smell of the raw fart without pants to dilute the smell was too much for me and i looked at him. By this time, 3 of the four veins on my face were bulging so he probably knew that he better be going. talk about a windy day(sorry couldnt resist putting in a weather joke).