Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Progress in Life

Caption: You must be able to do this by 20 years of age.
I realised there is no standard on how and what you should have done in life by the time you reach certain ages so HappyHobo is going to provide you with some guidance on how to live life.(Why am i talking in third person?)

Age 0 to 1 years-Get born. If you get stuck-your most likely going to become overweight in life. Be able to repeat these simple steps:eat,sleep,poop,repeat.

Age 1-5 years- Learn the basics of humanity such as talking, walking, pooping in civilised places etc etc. Also learn basic human interaction skills and how to have a fit at the shopping mall in order to obtain candy or toys.

Age 5-10 years-bum around. Don't really have to accomplish anything in life.

Age 10-15 years- Begin puberty and growth spurt. If you began before this time, then good for you. choose a class that is going to stick with you till you reach 20. Eg.emo,goth,fag,jock etc etc.

Age 15-20 years-Mature and learn the benefits of alcohol and partying.

Age 20-25 years-More bumming around. decide what you want to do in life but still stick to alcohol and partying. If you have not lost you virginity by the end of this time span. Please find prostitute or become a monk.

Age 25-40 years- Get a real job instead of working at some fast food outlet. Can finally have sex without the condom for "procreation" purposes.

Age 40 - 50 years- Suffer mid life crisis. Learn benefits of Viagra.

Age 50 -70 years-Get old. If you are staying young, there is a problem and go see doctor. Start hating young people and begin using the phrase "back in my days".

Age 70-80 years-Prepare to die or die.

Age 80-100 years: Still not dead?

100+years:Crap, just sit there and rot slowly? Congratulations on making high score list.