Monday, June 8, 2009

20 year old virgin

World's most famous virgin.
Its true now, i have hit the halfway milestone to a Hollywood movie made about me. I am a virgin. Not as in oil, but a real virgin-i have never conducted any sexual activity of any type. Are you shocked? Are you laughing at me? Are you surprised? Now don't get me wrong, i really really like human females, its just not my fault that i have been blessed with a female repellent. From the tender mating age of 16, everything i have done has warded the opposite sex away from me. From going out for the first time, and stepping on dog poop; to getting sick and vomiting when "hanging out", my chances at spreading the love has decreased to zero. Some may say-"its OK, you can just lose your virginity to your one and only love when you are married!". Considering there are around 6,783,421,727 people on this earth, and only one true love-I'm screwed overtime. Tracing back to my heritage, my grandpa was a pimp. He always had ladies around. However i seem not to have gotten any useful genes from him. Cupid, please stay off the alcohol and aim better.
From now on, this blog will include a prude meter on the side bar, when i am close to losing my virginity, the number will go towards 100, any number above 90 will warrant a post and details on what happened. should the number hit 100-it means touchdown!