Friday, June 19, 2009

Funny Chat Conversations

You like listening to other people talk? A bit of eavesdropping? Well, this post will make you very very happy. The title is self explanatory-
Stranger: Do it, bitch
You: oh yeah , i like to suck that
Stranger: Ahahaha, ew, that's gross :D
You: what? suck a popsicle
Stranger: Oh Right .
You: what were you thinking? dirty!
Stranger: My head was in the gutter
You: tut tut , did it smell bad?
Stranger: I most definatly thought you were talking about lolipops
Stranger: It smelt like ass obviously,
You: lick lick ,not suck
You: you know this is kinda semi erotic lol
Stranger: Ahahaha
You:this is kinda gay,your proabably a guy and so am i, that makes it homo
Stranger: Ahahaha, nah, actually, I'm not
You: so what your a animal? or god?
You: or all of the above?
Stranger: I'm a beast, man
You: you sound like a dude
Stranger: Ahahahha, I don't sound like anything,We're typing
You: we are?
Stranger: Should I type more feminine?
You: yep, things like "wait a second let me do the dishes"
Stranger: Ahahaha, well, I AM, I'm not really sure what YOU'RE doing
You: chuck norris came out of me,i pooped him out.
Stranger: Wow, That's pretty intense
You: not really.
Stranger: That must've hurt
You: i have a huge butt
You: hole to be exact.
Stranger: That's unusual, is it not?
You: not really its what happen when you eat gold for breakfast, you poop big hard stuff
Stranger: Wow, living the fancy life, huh?
You: yeah, dad was a gigolo, mum was was a stripper, profitable business.
You: look how sad i am talking online, proabably to a serial killer
Stranger: You figured me out,Just don't look out your window, I don't like to be seen
You: crap, wheres my shotgun?not again.
Stranger: I saw you start to peek,Don't do it.
You: what am i wearing?
Stranger: You're wearing spandex.Golden. And form-fitting.
You: lol yeah im wearing a gimp suite, but im calling the cops.
Stranger: Ahahaha, what am I going to do, jump through your window and stop you?
You: my window is incased in metal,with bulletproof glass
Stranger: That's okay, I can eat through it. I'm a beast, remember?
You: and a fat hippy hides under the window, try eating the fat hippy, youll die
Stranger: That might be difficult,I'm just gonna use the door, mmkay?
You: and besides, i can always poop a chuck norris,just gotta find some gold
You:however im broke as tom Cruises sperm bank. well not anymore
Stranger: Just eat that f&*king golden spandex you're wearing.
Anyways, the conversation got worse as we talked about pubic hair and stalkers. Hope you found it entertaining you f$#cking stalker!