Sunday, June 14, 2009

Interview with a hobo

Some people like collecting stamps as a hobby, others say, love mountain hiking-well my special topic of interest is hobos aka homeless, lazy bums etc. I love these guys. One may argue homelessness is a serious issue but how can you not laugh at a guy with missing teeth, smells like wet dog, dresses like its always summer (i guess that's what all the holes are for-good ventilation) and sings with a voice that is probably better than half of the day one Idol tryouts. I guess hobos are natures clowns-no artificial makeup needed. Usually, their misfortunes in life are always comedic. ie. "ninjas took wife, need money for karate lessons" or the classic "son kidnapped, 98 cents short of ransom". Anyways, I'm meant to be interviewing a hobo here so on to the point:

Me: "Hello sir, do you mind doing a interview for my documentary on homelessness?"

hobo:"do i get paid?"

me:"yes sir, there will be a monetary payment."

hobo:"give me now."

*i give hobo 10 dollars-"here you go sir."

me:"so sir, do you mind telling me your name?"

*pretends to be sleeping.

me:"sir are you OK?"

hobo:"*&^% off!"

me:"sir you promised me a inter...."

hobo:"%$#@ off before i kick your !#@"

Seeing that the hobo looked pretty big for a homeless person-you'd think that homeless people would be small and undernourished, however this was not the case. I moved away to avoid ending up on 6'o'clock news under headline "reporter gets owned by hobo". Now i am 10 dollars less and without a interview.